University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
2015-present Professor, Department of Communication
2013-2015 Associate Professor, Department of Communication
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
2008-2012 Associate Professor, Department of Human and Organizational Development
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
2003-2008 Assistant Professor, School of Justice and Social Inquiry
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York
2003 Ph.D., Science and Technology Studies
2002 M.S., Science and Technology Studies
California State University, Northridge
1996 M.A., English (with distinction), Literature Option
1993 B.A., English, Literature Option
Honors & Awards
Invited Expert Discussant to a meeting of the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligence on “The impact of surveillance from other perspectives,” Washington, D.C. (teleconference), August, 2023.
Crisis Vision selected as honorable mention for the 2023 Surveillance Studies Book Prize, Surveillance Studies Network.
Invited Member, College of Expert Reviewers, European Science Foundation, 2020-2022.
Faculty Fellow, Institute for Arts and Humanities, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Fall, 2020.
Faculty Affiliate, Center for Media Law and Policy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2017-present.
Scholar in Residence, Center for Urban and Regional Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Fall, 2014.
Visiting Scholar, University of Paderborn, Germany, Department of Media Studies, June, 2013.
Invited Expert Testimony to the European Commission, European Group on Ethics, on the “Societal and ethical implications of surveillance and security technologies,” Brussels (teleconference), May, 2013.
External Affiliate, Surveillance Studies Research Center, Institute for Policy & Social Research, University of Kansas, 2013-2022.
Surveillance in the Time of Insecurity selected as winner of the 2011 Surveillance Studies Book Prize, Surveillance Studies Network.
Recipient of the Founders Award of Excellence for recognition of academic achievement and campus leadership at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2002.
Recipient of two academic year NSF-sponsored research awards (“An STS focus on design”) through Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2000-2002.
Monahan, T. 2022. Crisis Vision: Race and the Cultural Production of Surveillance. Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
Honorable mention, Surveillance Studies Book Prize, Surveillance Studies Network, 2023.
Monahan, T. & Murakami Wood, D. (eds.) 2018. Surveillance Studies: A Reader. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Gilliom, J. & Monahan, T. 2013. SuperVision: An Introduction to the Surveillance Society. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Monahan, T. 2010. Surveillance in the Time of Insecurity. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
Recipient, Surveillance Studies Book Prize (for the world’s best English language book published on the topic of surveillance in the past year). Surveillance Studies Network, 2011.
Monahan, T. & Torres, R.D. (eds.) 2010. Schools under Surveillance: Cultures of Control in Public Education. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
Monahan, T. (ed.) 2006. Surveillance and Security: Technological Politics and Power in Everyday Life. New York: Routledge.
Monahan, T. 2005. Globalization, Technological Change, and Public Education. New York: Routledge.
Special Issues of Academic Journals
Monahan, T., & Murakami Wood, D. 2022. 20th Anniversary Issue. Surveillance & Society 20 (4).
Murakami Wood, D., & Monahan, T. 2019. Platform Surveillance. Surveillance & Society 17 (1/2).
Hall, R., Monahan, T., & Reeves, J. 2016. Surveillance and Performance. Surveillance & Society 14 (2).
Monahan, T. 2011. Surveillance as Cultural Practice. The Sociological Quarterly 52 (4).
Monahan, T., Phillips, D.J., & Murakami Wood, D. 2010. Surveillance and Empowerment. Surveillance & Society 8 (2).
Monahan, Torin & Jill A. Fisher (2008) Surveillance and Inequality. Surveillance & Society 5 (3).
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Monahan, T., Waltz, M., Parker, A., & Fisher, J.A. 2024. A Review of the Institutional Landscape for Dual‑career Hiring in Higher Education. Discover Education 3 (34).
Fisher, J.A., & Monahan, T. 2023. Mutual Emotional Labor as Method: Building Connections of Care in Qualitative Research. The Qualitative Report 28 (11): 3192-3212.
Monahan, T., & Fisher, J.A. 2023. Partnering Through It: Confronting the Institutional Challenges Facing Dual-Career Academic Couples. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 29 (3): 87-101.
Monahan, T., & Lamb, C.G. 2022. Transit’s Downward Spiral: Assessing the Social-justice Implications of Ridehailing Platforms and COVID-19 for Public Transportation in the US. Cities 120: 103438.
Monahan, T. 2021. Recoding the City: Cultural Mediation of Short-term Rental Platforms in the US. Cultural Studies 35 (4/5): 946-967.
Fisher, J.A., Wood, M.M., & Monahan, T. 2021. Speculating on Precarious Income: Finance Cultures and the Risky Strategies of Healthy Volunteers in Clinical Drug Trials. Journal of Cultural Economy 14 (4): 464-484.
Monahan, T. 2020. Monopolizing Mobilities: The Data Politics of Ride-hailing Platforms in US Cities. Telematics and Informatics 55: 101436.
Monahan, T. 2020. The Arresting Gaze: Artistic Disruptions of Antiblack Surveillance. International Journal of Cultural Studies 23 (4): 564-581.
Monahan, T., & Fisher, J.A. 2020. Sacrificial Labour: Social Inequality, Identity Work, and the Damaging Pursuit of Elusive Futures. Work, Employment and Society 34 (3): 441-456.
Fisher, J.A., Monahan, T., & Walker, R.L. 2019. Picking and Choosing Among Phase I Trials: A Qualitative Examination of How Healthy Volunteers Understand Study Risks. Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (4): 535-549.
Fisher, J.A., McManus, L., Cottingham, M.D., Kalbaugh, J.M., Wood, M.M., Monahan, T., & Walker, R.L. 2018. Healthy Volunteers’ Perceptions of Risk in US Phase I Clinical Trials: A Mixed-methods Study. PLoS Medicine 15(11): e1002698 [1-21].
Fisher J.A., McManus L., Wood M.M., Cottingham, M.D., Kalbaugh, J.M., Monahan, T., & Walker, R.L. 2018. Healthy Volunteers’ Perceptions of the Benefits of Their Participation in Phase I Clinical Trials. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics 13 (5): 494-510.
Monahan, T. 2018. Ways of Being Seen: Surveillance Art and the Interpellation of Viewing Subjects. Cultural Studies 32 (4): 560-581.
Monahan, T. 2017. Regulating Belonging: Surveillance, Inequality, and the Cultural Production of Abjection. Journal of Cultural Economy 10 (2): 191-206.
Monahan, T. 2016. Built to Lie: Investigating Technologies of Deception, Surveillance, and Control. The Information Society 32 (4): 229-240.
Monahan, T. & Fisher, J.A. 2015. ‘I'm Still a Hustler’: Entrepreneurial Responses to Precarity by Participants in Phase I Clinical Trials. Economy and Society 44 (4): 545-566.
Monahan, T. & Fisher, J.A. 2015. Strategies for Obtaining Access to Secretive or Guarded Organizations. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography 44 (6): 709-736.
Craven, K., Monahan, T., & Regan, P.M. 2015. Compromised Trust: DHS Fusion Centers' Policing of the Occupy Wall Street Movement. Sociological Research Online 20 (3): 1-14.
Regan, P.M., Monahan, T., & Craven, K. 2015. Constructing the Suspicious: Data Production, Circulation, and Interpretation by DHS Fusion Centers. Administration & Society 47 (6): 740-762.
Monahan, T. 2015. The Right to Hide? Anti-surveillance Camouflage and the Aestheticization of Resistance. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 12 (2): 159-178.
Regan, P.M. & Monahan, T. 2014. Fusion Center Accountability and Intergovernmental Information Sharing. Publius 44 (3): 475-498.
Regan, P.M. & Monahan, T. 2013. Beyond Counterterrorism: Data Sharing, Privacy, and Organizational Histories of DHS Fusion Centers. International Journal of E-Politics 4 (3): 1-14.
Monahan, Torin, & Mokos, J.T. 2013. Crowdsourcing Urban Surveillance: The Development of Homeland Security Markets for Environmental Sensor Networks. Geoforum 49:279-288.
Monahan, T. & Regan, P.M. 2012. Zones of Opacity: Data Fusion in Post 9/11 Security Organizations. Canadian Journal of Law and Society 27 (3): 301-317.
Fisher, J.A. & Monahan, T. 2012. Evaluation of Real-time Location Systems in their Hospital Contexts. International Journal of Medical Informatics 81 (10): 705-712.
Monahan, T. & Fisher, J.A. 2011. Surveillance Impediments: Recognizing Obduracy with the Deployment of Hospital Information Systems. Surveillance & Society 9 (1/2): 1-16.
Monahan, T. 2011. The Future of Security? Surveillance Operations at Homeland Security Fusion Centers. Social Justice 37 (2-3): 84-98.
Reprinted in Homeland Security and Terrorism: Readings and Interpretations (2nd ed.), edited by J. Forest, R. Howard, and J. Moore (McGraw-Hill, 2013), 387-399.
Wall, T. & Monahan, T. 2011. Surveillance and Violence from Afar: The Politics of Drones and Liminal Security-Scapes. Theoretical Criminology 15 (3): 239-254.
Fisher, J.A. & Monahan, T. 2011. The "Biosecuritization" of Healthcare Delivery: Examples of Post-9/11 Technological Imperatives. Social Science & Medicine 72 (4): 545-552.
Monahan, T. and Fisher, J.A. 2010. Implanting inequality: Empirical evidence of social and ethical risks of implantable radio-frequency identification (RFID) devices. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 26 (4): 370-376.
Monahan, T. & Fisher J.A. 2010. Benefits of "Observer Effects": Lessons from the Field. Qualitative Research 10 (3): 357-376.
Reprinted in Observation Methods, volume 2, edited by B. Smart, K. Peggs, and J. Burridge (Sage Publications, 2013), 35-54.
Monahan, T. & Mokos, J.T. 2010. Sensing Environmental Danger in the City. International Review of Information Ethics 12: 21-27.
Monahan, T. & Palmer, N.A. 2009. The Emerging Politics of DHS Fusion Centers. Security Dialogue 40 (6): 617-636.
Monahan, T. 2009. Identity Theft Vulnerability: Neoliberal Governance through Crime Construction. Theoretical Criminology 13 (2): 155-176.
Monahan, T. 2009. Dreams of Control at a Distance: Gender, Surveillance, and Social Control. Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies 9 (2): 286-305.
Monahan, T. 2008. Marketing the Beast: Left Behind and the Apocalypse Industry. Media, Culture, & Society 30 (6): 813-830.
Monahan, T. 2008. Picturing Technological Change: The Materiality of Information Infrastructures in Public Education. Technology, Pedagogy and Education 17 (2): 89-101.
Fisher, J.A. & Monahan, T. 2008. Tracking the Social Dimensions of RFID Systems in Hospitals. International Journal of Medical Informatics 77 (3): 176-183.
Monahan, T. 2007. "War Rooms" of the Street: Surveillance Practices in Transportation Control Centers. The Communication Review 10 (4): 367-389.
Reprinted in The New Media of Surveillance, edited by S. Magnet and K. Gates (Routledge, 2009), 88-110.
Monahan, T. & Wall, T. 2007. Somatic Surveillance: Corporeal Control through Information Networks. Surveillance & Society 4 (3): 154-173.
Monahan, T. 2006. Counter-surveillance as Political Intervention? Social Semiotics 16 (4): 515-534.
Monahan, T. 2006. Electronic Fortification in Phoenix: Surveillance Technologies and Social Regulation in Residential Communities. Urban Affairs Review 42 (2): 169-192.
Monahan, T. 2006. Securing the Homeland: Torture, Preparedness, and the Right to Let Die. Social Justice 33 (1): 95-105.
Kupchik, A. & Monahan, T. 2006. The New American School: Preparation for Post-Industrial Discipline. British Journal of Sociology of Education 27 (5): 617-631.
Monahan, T. 2005. The School System as a Post-Fordist Organization: Fragmented Centralization and the Emergence of IT Specialists. Critical Sociology 31 (4): 583-616.
Monahan, T. 2004. Digital Art Worlds: Technology and Productions of Value in Art Education. Foundations in Art: Theory and Education in Review 26: 7-15.
Monahan, T. 2004. Just Another Tool? IT Pedagogy and the Commodification of Education. The Urban Review 36 (4): 271-292.
Monahan, T. 2004. Technology Policy as a Stealth Agent of Global Change. Globalisation, Societies and Education 2 (3): 355-376.
Monahan, T. 2002. Los Angeles Studies: The Emergence of a Specialty Field. City & Society 14 (2): 155-184.
Monahan, T. 2002. Flexible Space & Built Pedagogy: Emerging IT Embodiments. Inventio 4 (1): 1-19.
Monahan, T. 2002. Hot Technologies on Every Pillow: The Discursive Development of Institutional Change. Radical Pedagogy 4 (1): 1-24.
Monahan, T. 2001. Please Increase Your Browser's Memory Partition: Individual Action and Collective Blame in the Hall of Biodiversity. Museum Anthropology 25 (1): 41-45.
Monahan, T. 2001. The Analog Divide: Technology Practices in Public Education. Computers & Society 31 (3): 22-31.
Book Chapters
Monahan, T. 2023. Coding out Justice: Digital Platforms’ Enclosure of Public Transit in Cities. In Digital (in)Justice in the Smart City, edited by D. Mackinnon, R. Burns and V. Fast. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 134-145.
Monahan, T. 2022. Privatization Cultures and the Racial Order: A Dispatch From the US. In Changing of the Guards: Private Influences, Privatization, and Criminal Justice in Canada, edited by A. Luscombe, K. Walby and D. Silva. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 290-294.
Monahan, T. 2021. Visualizing the Surveillance Archive: Critical Art and the Dangers of Transparency. In Law and the Visible, edited by A. Sarat, L. Douglas, and M. M. Umphrey. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 130-155.
Monahan, T. 2018. The Image of the Smart City: Surveillance Protocols and Social Inequality. In Handbook of Cultural Security, edited by Y. Watanabe. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 210-226.
Monahan, T. 2012. Surveillance and Terrorism. In Routledge Handbook of Surveillance Studies, edited by K. Ball, K. D. Haggerty and D. Lyon. London: Routledge, 285-291.
Gilliom, J. & Monahan, T. 2012. Everyday Resistance. In Routledge Handbook of Surveillance Studies, edited by K. Ball, K. D. Haggerty and D. Lyon. London: Routledge, 405-411.
Monahan, T. 2010. Surveillance as Governance: Social Inequality and the Pursuit of Democratic Surveillance. In Surveillance and Democracy, edited by K.D. Haggerty and M. Samatas. New York: Routledge, 91-110.
Monahan, T. & Torres, R.D. 2010. Introduction. In Schools under Surveillance: Cultures of Control in Public Education, edited by T. Monahan and R.D. Torres. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1-18.
Monahan, T. 2007. Just-in-time Security: Permanent Exceptions and Neoliberal Orders. In Reading 24: TV Against the Clock, edited by S. Peacock. London: I. B. Tauris, 109-118.
Monahan, T. 2006. Questioning Surveillance and Security. In Surveillance and Security: Technological Politics and Power in Everyday Life, edited by T. Monahan. New York: Routledge, 1-23.
Reprinted in Technology and Society: Classic and Contemporary Readings, edited by R. Bilsker (Kendall/Hunt, 2010), 267-290.
Reprinted in Technology and Society: Building Our Sociotechnical Future, edited by D.G. Johnson and J.M. Wetmore (MIT Press, 2008), 537-564
Monahan, T. 2006. The Surveillance Curriculum: Risk Management and Social Control in the Neoliberal School. In Surveillance and Security: Technological Politics and Power in Everyday Life, edited by T. Monahan. New York: Routledge, 109-124.
Reprinted in The Critical Pedagogy Reader (2nd edition), edited by A. Darder, R.D. Torres, and M. Baltodamo (Routledge, 2008), 123-134
Grants (PI or Co-PI)
2021-2024 Partnering Through It: Building a Research Base for Dual-Career Academics. National Science Foundation. Principal Investigator $641,048 (anticipated). (Co-PI: Jill A. Fisher)
2018-2020 Grounding Digital Platforms: Socio-Spatial Mediation of Technological Change. National Science Foundation. Principal Investigator $116,444.
2010-2014 Exploring Homeland Security Fusion Centers. National Science Foundation. Principal Investigator $332,423. (Co-PI: Priscilla Regan)
2009-2012 Privacy Awareness through Branding of Security Organisations. European Commission, FP7 Science in Society. Co-Principal Investigator 964,594 (euros). (PI: Leon Hempel) [Grant awarded; funding declined by Vanderbilt University.]
2008 The Use of Implants in Ethical Surveillance Infrastructures. The Center for Interdisciplinary Research at Bielefeld University. Co-Principal Investigator 10,000 (euros). (PI: Michael Nagenborg)
2007-2010 Effects of RFID Technologies on Organizational Dynamics in Hospitals. National Science Foundation. Co-Principal Investigator $247,162. (PI: Jill A. Fisher)
2006-2009 Workshops on Surveillance and Society. National Science Foundation. Principal Investigator $108,807. (Co-PIs: Simon A. Cole, Jill A. Fisher, and Gary T. Marx)
2004-06 Experiences of Surveillance Technologies in Gated Communities and Public Housing. National Science Foundation. Principal Investigator $76,582.
Service to the Profession
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Surveillance & Society, 2017-present.
Co-Director, Surveillance Studies Network, 2015-2020.
Associate Editor, Surveillance & Society, 2011-2017.
Elected Council member of the Sociology of Science and Technology section of the International Sociological Association (ISA), 2006-2014.
Editorial Board Member, Surveillance & Society, 2007-present.
Board member of the Surveillance Studies Network, 2007-present.
Program Committee member for the annual conference of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), 2007.